"It is not about adding years to life but life to years" Alexis Carrel
Chinese medicine, a full-blown medicine :
“L’atelier du Souffle” offers a wide panel of activities related to well-being, relaxation and meditation. As a real temple devoted to asian medicine, the workshop makes available Qi Gong classes, a chinese traditional gymnastic taught by Fabrice Durand, an initiation to taoist conscious walking, acupuncture sessions, as well as several relaxation and meditation activities, so as to be able to listen to your body, disconnect your mind from your routine in order to reconnect yourself with your inner self.

Fabrice Durand
The practice
91, La Douve
44850 Ligné, France
T : 06 80 46 37 42
​E-Mail: f.durand2@yahoo.fr
Care offers
Anti-aging treatments
Nutritional advices
Athlete energy monitoring
Addiction treatment
Accompaniment pre and post chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Stress management