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About me

Fabrice Durand

Tradi-practitioner in Chinese medicine

Qi Gong instructor


Hello and welcome on the website «Breath workshop»


My name is Fabrice Durand and I have the pleasure to exert several professional activities such as tradi-practitioner in Chinese medicine and Qi Gong instructor.

I always been attracted by philosophy and Asian martial arts.


Knowing my attraction for Asia, my uncle presented me, forty years ago, a friend practising Vietnamese martial arts who invited me in its club in Nantes, this was love at first sight for this practise that I never left.


First of all, my learning is oriented toward the external aspects of this art, this is only in 1981 that I meet my second instructor Tran-Hoai-Ngoc from Cuu-Long-Vo-Dao School. I remained by his sides nine years so that he transfers me his knowledge: external martial arts techniques (art of combat with or without weapons) several methods in order to maintain health such as meditation, different forms of moving or static Qi Gong and self-massages.


After getting my instructor diploma, thirty years ago, I open my first martial arts hall.


Then, I followed different instructors such as Georges Charles from San Yi Chuan School specialised in the five elements, Georges Saby with whom I shared my vision about martial arts for several years and whom introduced me to Stuart Le Marseny the founder of Hoa Chuan School (Tai Chi, Pakua, Xing Yi) with whom I travelled in Europe and in Anstralia, where he lives in October 1999. This is with him that I started to study the principles of acupuncture through meridians and acupuncture spots. This trip in Australia was also the opportunity for me to learn about massage Kahuna with Mette Sorensen.


From 1994 to 2004 I practise in Minh Long School in which I had the opportunity to do three stays in in Vietnam with the Masters Hong, Ngiem Han Tach and Phuoc.


In 2004, with two others experts, we created the Phuong Va Ho Association where we exchange good practices in areas like traditional sino-vietnamese martial arts, the care of health, Asian philisophy and self-developement.


As a consultant trainor (since 13 years), in TCA and in companies, I’m certified in Neuro-linguistic program, transactional analysis, enneagrams, which allow me to have a true relationship with my patient and students.


After a first acupuncture course of three years performed in the Western Sinology Center, I learned about acupuncture, moxibustion, the suction pads art, and how to do an energetic assessment.


Since two years, I follow the lessons of Daniel Laurent the founder of The five elements school, through improvement seminars.


My favourite tools are, acupuncture, moxibustion, suction pads laying and digitoponcture.


Today, the practice is open for nearly three years and I have patients coming from all the region of Pays de la Loire for all kinds of pathologies:


Adults: care of various pains, joint pains, tendons, muscles, abdomen, hormonal disorder, menopause, sleep disorder, head ache and migraines, dizziness, tinnitus, anxiety, stress, backing after a grief, care of side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, help for smocking cessation, alcohol and drugs, help to reduce overweight, accompaniment of patients suffering from chronic diseases...


Teenagers, kids: nervousness, sleep disorder, memory, stress, enuresis...


Elderly: revitalisation, memory, pleasure of life, muscle loss, osteoporosis, phobia, incontinence...


Cancers: accompaniment of patients on chemotherapy cure, radiation therapy and hormonotherapy...


I also offer anti-age care thanks to a method of face skin plumping with acupuncture and suction pads.

© 2018 par Fabrice Durand.

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